Sanitary Napkin
Receptacle - Wall Mount w/Drop Bottom
- Dimensions: 10"W x 11"H x 5"Dp
- Weight: 4 lbs.
- Finishes: #304 Stainless Steel
- Carton Pack: One per carton
- UPS: Can Ship UPS
- Constructed of heavy duty bonderized steel
- Made of 30% recycled steel and is 100% post
consumer recyclable.
Unique Features & Benefits:
- All #304 stainless steel construction on this
sanitary napkin disposal container.
- Release catch at bottom permits waxed bag to
drop directly into collection receptacle so
personnel need not reach inside this feminine
napkins disposal container.
- Attaches securely to a stall or wall with
included mounting hardware.
- 3 waxed bags shipped with stainless steel
napkin receptacle.
- Lift knob on both sides so the receptacle can
be mounted on either side of stall.