Proportioning and Dispensing Systems From Lyn Distributing |
Fill spray bottles, buckets or both from one dispensing system. TaskMizer
dispensers combine the latest in dispensing technology with maximum |
dispensers contain the latest developments in |
Unit on left above is 1 product high flow fill and remote fill gun and 4 product low flow fill for bottles. Unit on right above is for 1 product high flow rate with remote gun fill. |
Unit above dispenses 2 products at high water flow rate with remote fill gun and 4 products at low water flow rate. Low flow rate is for filling spray bottles and high flow for mop buckets or scrubbing machines. The white cabinet is for 2-2liter bottle of concentrate product for taskmizer dispenser. |
No matter what you need in a chemical management system, the TaskMizer series can provide the results you are looking for. *For multi product use, the TaskMizer uses the selector valve concept to lower costs for bottle and bucket filling. *Units can be supplied with our new patented remote filling gun, or the more traditional button operation to meet your individual needs. *For satellite locations, use the single product high flow unit or the Select four product low flow unit. *Optional features include: chemical enclosures that fit two 2-liter bottles, or wall mounted racks for chemical storage. |
High flow fill rate with remote gun. $162.00 One Product with remote fill gun. E-gap
# 48331 |
2 products high flow fill rate with remote gun & 4 products low flow rate for bottle filling. $355.00 Dual Product Select with remote fill
gun. E-gap # 48781 |
4 products low flow rate for bottle filling. Low flow select, 4 product selection or 2 products at different dilution rates. |
1 product high flow fill rate with remote gun & 4 products low flow rate for bottle filling. $309.00 E-gap
# 48761 Chemical enclosure cabinet #48000 (fits two 2-liter
bottles for concentrated products) $33.80
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